Banking : reinvent your
customer relationship
Whether it’s for the opening of an online bank account or for consumer credit signatures, banks are using electronic signatures. Indeed, users can prove the integrity of a signed document certifying the content has not been modified and ensuring the signatory’s identification. Universign, an eIDAS Trust Service Provider, offers easy to use trusted services, including electronic signatures. Find out why banks should use Universign electronic signatures.

The key benefits of electronic signatures in the banking industry
Discover how banking industry benefits from the Universign electronic signature.
With the Universign API, the electronic signature can be perfectly integrated into a website or business software. Enjoy a simple and fluid user experience with an easy sale process.
Our solution can be adapted to multichannel environments where different signature levels may be required. Universign advanced electronic signature with qualified certificate also offers a high level of identification for more binding documents.
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Our White Paper
To find out more, download our white paper : “The eIDAS regulation”