Purchase Finance :
dematerialise all your
business processes 

Dematerialisation of business processes is a key benefit for companies and organisations. It improves their internal document management, from contracts to purchase orders, customer or supplier invoices to delivery notes. The electronic signature and seal are essential to guarantee the traceability and security of transactions. It upgrades productivity and payments terms are respected. It strengthens the customer-supplier-relationship. CFOs, buyers, accountants or management controllers can now improve their performance.

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We’re proud of our clients and partners

The key benefits of electronic signatures for your finance and purchasing departments

The electronic signature allows businesses to digitalise their entire operating procedures. In concrete terms, this results in the elimination of repetitive tasks with low added value. 

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Securing your process of contractualisation 

The Universign electronic signature is essential in the contractualisation process between companies, customers and suppliers. It simplifies payment processes and exchanges. It also reinforces security and traceability. Whatever the document to be signed, the electronic signature guarantees the integrity of an electronic transaction. It enables the identification of the signatory or the proof that he is the person he claims to be.

fiabiliser documents

Making your company documents more reliable Try the Universign electronic seal which ensures the origin and the integrity of all your digital documents. It includes a qualified timestamp to certify a non-alteration of a series of data. The electronic signature prevents from fraud and reinforces the legal value of all your invoices, financial or audit reports and supplier charters.

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Accelerating business processes

The electronic signature facilitates and automates your business processes. Facilitating exchange across geographical distances, it gives the opportunity to sign documents much faster than using handwritten signature. It simplifies payment processes and exchanges. It also reinforces security and traceability.


Reducing costsForget about printing, posting and storing. It’s time to save money with the electronic signature. It considerably reduces lead times and therefore, increases productivity.

The Universign electronic signature ensures compliance of your business processes

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Sign your ordersYou can remotely validate and sign your orders thanks to our electronic signature. It integrates very easily into any CRM solution through our API.

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Optimise purchase and supplier managementOur electronic signature makes your purchasing processes more reliable. It controls the risks associated with suppliers. You can sign tenders for suppliers and get their consent on important documents, such as confidentiality agreements. Finally, the approval of supplier audits is formalized the dates tracked..  

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Guarantee the legal compliance of your invoices 

For legal entities, the electronic seal is an essential tool to issue a compliant electronic invoice (authenticity, integrity and legibility of the document).

You are able to delete your paper invoices, but it requires you to replace each one with a reliable scanned, sealed and timestamped copy of it.

You have to keep in mind that:

  • Our electronic seal enables the identification of a signatory. In other words, it guarantees the origin of a document.
  • Our qualified timestamp (included in the seal) ensures the integrity of a document, date and time based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) with no possible modification from there.

As a Trusted Service Provider, we support you issuing any invoice in PDF format, thanks to our electronic seal. Our electronic seal and timestamping services give your invoices indisputable legal value.

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Dematerialise your invoices and simplify the management processes 

Whether you work as a CFO, buyer or management controller, you can use our services.

  • The electronic seal can be perfectly integrated through our API into a website or business software.
  • Our signature can be integrated into an e-commerce website and used for both terms and conditions and confidentiality agreements.
  • Our timestamp is available from our website or can be integrated using our API into any ERP or financial software.

Listen to our clients


Thanks to Universign electronic signature, we’ve achieved the ambitious goal of signing electronically 100% financial conventions. It represents more than 4500 dematerialised and signed documents. The student file is now entirely dematerialised.

Christophe PHILYS
IT Project Manager, Cerfrance