Insurance : secure your
subscription processes 

The electronic signature easily meets the needs of insurance subscription processes. Whether it concerns health, life or savings insurance, the electronic signature perfectly complies with online subscription processes. It can be done by third-parties, intermediated networks of agents or brokers. It is now a central business tool and can replace any handwritten signature on any document.

Universign, an eIDAS Trust Service Provider, offers easy to use trusted services which comply with European regulations.


We’re proud of our clients

The key benefits of electronic signatures for the insurance industry


Reducing lead timesWith the Universign electronic signature, few seconds are enough for insurers and clients to sign contracts. It considerably reduces lead times and therefore, it increases productivity. 


Simplifying processesThe electronic signature perfectly meets the needs of insurance subscription processes. You can easily dematerialize your contracts from the agency or remotely, facilitating exchange across geographical distances.


Guarantying legal securityUniversign, an eIDAS Trust Service Provider, complies with European regulations: a signatory must be identified and the integrity of the signed document must be guaranteed. Universign advanced and advanced electronic signatures with qualified certificate highly ensure the identification of the signatory. 

Discover how insurance industry benefits from the Universign electronic signature.

It’s so easy to use. The electronic signature is now a central business tool for insurance companies. It just complies with every single subscription process.

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Selling by telesales With Universign electronic signature, you can directly send your insurance contract to your clients, using your internal tracking system / CRM. Thus, you can ensure a signed contract and satisfied clients. You can also track the progress of your contract signing process.

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Selling online Whether you are a professional or a private individual, you can subscribe an insurance contract from a computer, mobile or tablet. With Universign, this can be done through an insurance company’s extranet or website. Universign, an eIDAS Trust Service Provider, offers easy to use trusted services, which comply with European regulations. This protects the users’ personal data. With Universign, confidentiality is a key element.

With the Universign API, the electronic signature can be perfectly integrated into a website or business software.
Enjoy a simple and fluid user experience with an easy sale process.

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Selling face-to-face The electronic signature complies both with offices and mobile teams. Close a deal very easily with only one step. It can replace any handwritten signature on any document from a computer or a tablet.

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Selling with intermediary network or partner broker  For insurance products distributed via an intermediary network, brokers need to allow individuals to contract independently managed insurance and carry out arbitration online. In this context, it is vital that insurers can rely on a signature service which offers firm legal guarantees and, therefore, certified identification of the signatory. 

The Universign electronic signature complies with multichannel environments where different signature levels are required. The advanced electronic signature with qualified certificate delivers a high level of identification for more binding documents.

Listen to our clients

manon plantelin smerep 300x300

Students can directly register online from our website. This direct link improves our customer satisfaction.

Manon Plantelin
Communications Officer, SMEREP
hamza el yaagoubi roederer 300x300

With the Electronic signature we save from 15 to 20 minutes on each contract.

Hamza El Yaagoubi
Marketing Director, ROEDERER
romain callu thelem assurances

The electronic signature works just fine for us. Now, we can shorten the processes and our clients are more focus on the contract content rather than their signature. We can now enjoy a 360-degree view of a customer.

Romain Callu,
Thélem Assurances Development Studies and Acceptance Manager
livre blanc eidas

Our White Paper 

To find out more, download our white paper : “The eIDAS regulation”