What is the Universign
electronic signature?

The Universign electronic signature has the same legal value as a traditional paper document with a pen and ink signature. With Universign, a signatory can attest his consent:

  • Once approved then signed, a document can’t be modified without your consent.
  • It enables the identification of a signatory or the proof that he is the person he claims to be.

Any PDF document can be signed. It accelerates and simplifies the process.

Electronic signature works with any type of document and contract

Online, remotely or face-to-face, whatever the place, the time or the situation, the electronic signature is essential for contracting. It is now an essential business tool and can replace any handwritten signature on any document. 


SalesQuotations, contracts, general terms and conditions of sale… 


Human ResourcesEmployment contracts, contracts amendments, expense reports…


Purchasing / Legal Invoices, purchase orders, confidentiality clauses…

Use cases

The Universign electronic signature simplifies your processes, reinforces security, saves time and reduces costs. It also improves customer relationships. It’s an effective sales strategy. Let’s discover how much it could help:


OnlineIntegrate the electronic signature into your website to dematerialize your online sales, memberships or subscriptions. 

  • What about a complete digital customer experience? The documents are signed instantly, all you need is an internet access!
  • Try a multi-device and cross-channel experience. You can switch from one to another during the process. 
  • Close more deals while securing your customer and prospect consents.

Remotely Some signatories are missing during the meeting? Don’t worry and think electronic signature solution.

  • Each signatory gets an invitation by email and can check the document and sign it
  • Need to sign as soon as possible? Manage your telesales, collect signatures instantly and close the deal during a telephone interview.
  • Save time. Whatever the place, the time or the situation, the electronic signature brings the signatories together.
face a face


Get documents signed during face-to-face meetings: retail outlets and on the go. You can sign your documents from any devices, computer, tablet or smartphone.

  • Try an optimal omnichannel experience keeping handwritten signature habits.
  • No need to wait, just sign. Experience an easy and dynamic way to close a deal during a meeting.
  • It’s time to upgrade your brand image. Optimise your adminsitrative processes.

Check out the Universign electronic signature offer

Universign, an eIDAS Tust Service Provider, offers easy to use trusted services. According to eIDAS regulation, three electronic signatures are available: simple, advanced and advanced with qualified certificate. Universign also provides professional services on-demand.

Simple signatureAdvanced signatureAdvanced signature with qualified certificateQualified Signature
Integrity of the documentOuiQualified timestamp
Standard: EN 319 421
OuiQualified timestamp
Standard: EN 319 421
OuiQualified timestamp
Standard: EN 319 421
OuiQualified timestamp
Standard: EN 319 421
Identification of the signatorynonNo identification process by Universign OuiCommunication and verification of an identity document

OuiIssuance of a nominative certificate
Standard: EN 319 411-1
OuiFace-to-face presentation & validation of an identity document by a DRO*

OuiCommunication and verification of an identity document

OuiIssuance of a qualified certificate
Standard: EN 319 411-2
Oui Signature creation via a Qualified Signature Creation Device (QSCD) 

OuiRemote presentation and verification of an identity document via a PVID

OuiTransmission and verification of an identity document

OuiNominative certificate
Standard EN 319 411-2
Authentication of the signatoryOuiOTP code via SMSOuiOTP code via SMSOuiOTP code via SMSOuiOTP Code via SMS
StorageOuiPreservation with probative valueOuiPreservation with probative valueOuiPreservation with probative valueOui Conservation with evidentiary value
DRO* : Delegated Registration Operator

The Universign electronic signature is legally recognised and complies with the European regulation (eIDAS). It guarantees the complete security and traceability of your documents. It is now an essential business tool and it meets most of your needs. You can sign your documents from any device. Try the most intuitive, responsive and compliant digital experience.

We offer you a non-binding and all-inclusive service, choose the right electronic signature plan for you: pay-per-use or pack subscription.

clients 1

Unlimited number of users

money free

No set-up fees


Qualified timestamp included with each signature 

niveau de signature

Choice of signature level


Customer support included 

conservation document

Document conservation with probative value

mobile auth

SMS authentication code

service accompagnement

Professional services on-demand

attestation de signature

Signature certificate and evidence file 

Features :

  • Management of optional and documents to read (API) 
  • Management of multi-document transactions 
  • Choice of signature level 
  • Custom email and SMS content 
  • Real-time notification 
  • Dashboard & reports 
  • Multilingual signature page: French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Polish, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech and Romanian 

Universign is part of the AATL program and its signatures are automatically recognised by Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® DC.

Universign Saas solution is supported by secure IT infrastructure, designed to work with all IT environments. Our data centers in France guarantee a continuity of service and an optimal availability rate + 99,9% per year.

Let’s try an electronic signature

portail web

Sign and get documents signed from the Universign platform
PDF: select your document, add a signatory and send it for signature.  


With the Universign APIYour request and tracking are automaticaly covered to sign all your documents.

The legal value of an electronic signature

The eIDAS regulation sets out the rules for the legal use of electronic signature procedures for each Member State of the European Union.

To demonstrate the legal value of an electronic signature, the use of a reliable identification process is needed. A signatory must be identified and the integrity of the signed document must be guaranteed.

Universign, an eIDAS Trust Service Provider, offers electronic signature services according to European regulations. It meets all of the following requirements:

  • It is uniquely linked to the signatory;
  • It is capable of identifying the signatory;
  • it is created using electronic signature creation data that the signatory can, with a high level of confidence, use under his sole control;  
  • it is linked to the data signed therewith in such a way that any subsequent change in the data is detectable.

We aim to protect your documents. We deliver compliant and secure trust services to enable fair digital transactions for everyone. Universign is the legal electronic signature platform that supports, certifies and secures your documents.

It’s time to move towards the digital transformation to remain competitive in the marketplace.